Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Before taking this class I fully intended on incorporating technology into the classroom, I just wasn’t sure how I was going to do so. I was unaware of all the tools that are available. I thought of using technology more in the higher-grade levels rather than in an elementary school setting. I now am able to see how important it is to start incorporating technology early on and different ways to do so. I think one of the most important things we learned was that technology should really be incorporated into the lesson plans themselves; flowing together rather than being separate.

I am very grateful that I learned about a PLN. I have spoken with so many teachers that do not have one and I feel that it is really hurting them. I find myself going home after class and sharing all of the cool sites that we discover in class. I think the creation and upkeep of my PLN will definitely help me when I venture out and get my own classroom. There are so many stresses with becoming a new teacher; resources should not be one of them.

Right now I am a program para-educator at Bedford High School working with seniors. Even though I do not have my own classroom, I definitely plan on using what I have learned in class. By showing the students different tools that are available to help them study and by sharing the other tools with colleagues, I definitely think that I can make everyone’s life a bit easier. When I get my own classroom someday, it will depend what grade I teach as to what types of technology that I use.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Professional learning networks are extremely important, especially for new teachers. PLN's allow teachers to keep in contacts with colleagues that they otherwise would not. i think it it's especially important for new teachers to devote quality time to following their PLN?s. Their peers will be able to give them feedback on questions as well as ideas and suggestions.

Time management is extremely important for teachers. The benefits of a PLN?s are so great that is well worth it to make the time to create and follow it. There are so many tools out there that that make it easy to follow a PLN. Even if only a short time a week, it will be time well spent. And honestly, who doesn?t have a few hours a week to spare?

The strength of your PLN can be evaluated in your performance as a teacher. If your PLN is not making you a better teacher/colleague, what is it really doing? It is up to you to evaluate your own PLN, asking yourself what are you really getting out of it. It is very easy to sift through and filter out what is not helping and find new people to add. A PLN is only as good as you make it. You must put effort into it if you want a strong, helpful tool.