It is extremely important to integrate technology into the classroom. Kids are interested in technology and by using something that already sparks their interest, teachers are able to reach the kids on a new level. There are many ways that technology can be incorporated into teaching, depending on the age of the students. For example, a first grade class could enjoy digital storytelling while a middle school class could design a webpage. Technology is our future. It would only be hurting the students if teachers do not use any sort of electronic equipment in their classroom. Not only what kind of technology that is used is important. How often it is used is equally as important. A class that goes to the computer lab once a week will benefit less than a class that uses computers everyday. There are so many types of technology that can be utilized by teachers. Pod casts, web sites, blogging, and many more tools can be used. It will help develop the students’ ability to research. It can also allow them to connect with others outside the classroom that they normally would never come in contact with. Similarly, it can be beneficial for the teachers as well. They are able to use tools such as online lectures and more hands on lessons.
It’s All About Pigs
1 week ago